Friday, January 11, 2008

#6 Vermentino Di Sardegna 2006

Since tonight's dinner involves a trip to a Belgian styled beer joint "Hopleaf", I will have to sneak in a taste of what I anticipate is a simple brisk white from Sardinia. This one is made from a grape called Vermentino and like most of Sardinia's varieties it likely arrived from Spain. You consult the history books, I will go find a corkscrew.

Without too much fanfare I wait for the stock market to close its worst first 8 days of the year in 17 years (who keeps these stats?). *POP* goes the $11 bottle. This wine has a golden straw hue with a sauvignon blanc nose and a chardonnay mouth feel. In fact if you were to ignore the delicate honey undertones, the flavor of this lovely wine would sit in the dead center of the chard/sauv-blanc spectrum. My only disappointment is that I am now forced to re-cork this wine and head out to dinner.

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