Monday, October 26, 2009

#146 Refosco

As I get closer to the end of the varietal list I am finding that it is as hard to acquire the wines as it is to find ones that really blow me away. So from here on in I will not try to find nice ways to say that a wine just wasn't that good but that it might be worth a try. For most people these days throwing $20 away on an uninspired bottle hurts twice, once in the pocket and once again on the palate. Sure, in the heady days of the mania or the subsequent property "boom" when..... But I digress.

In this case we have a smoky earthy red with a quick dry finish and an excess of heat. Most of our tasters last night felt that it was a decent wine but perhaps would be more suited to that $10-$12 price point.

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