Lucky for us we had a chance to try a whole range of Sherry from El Maestro. Sherry is an interesting product but it is certainly an acquired taste. The first the Oloroso 1/14 is made from the Palomino grape and has a lot of age on it. Well over 50 years here. This is a $75 375 ml bottle and has a much rounder and darker flavor than its younger and more astringent counterparts.

The second Sherry I will report on is the Pedro Ximenez Viejisimo. This is another $75 bottle and is also well over 50 years old. The Pedro Ximenez is a much sweeter grape and makes more of a desert wine. This bottle pours a molasses like liquid. Very sweet and dark. Again the younger bottles are rougher around the edges. We needed to rinse the glass out after this pour and the water got as dark as iced tea. Remarkable product but not for the faint of heart.
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